02 August

Visit of the Minister of Health and the head of the national COVID-19 taskforce

On Sunday, 2. August 2020, CERMEL received the Minister of Health, Dr. Guy Patrick Obiang Ndong, accompanied by the head of the national taskforce committee for COVID-19 prevention and control ("Comité de pilotage du plan de veille et de riposte contre la pandémie du Coronavirus au Gabon", COPIL), Prof. Dr. Romain Tchoua, and the head of the scientific committee for COVID-19 prevention and control, Prof. Dr. Marielle Bouyou Akotet.

The Minister thanked CERMEL for their work in the fight against the disease, notably for performing diagnostic tests, for training of laboratory technicians and for the assistance in local disease control activities. The contribution of the research centers CIRMF and CERMEL, which proved to be crucial in the initial phases of the pandemic in Gabon, was acknowledged gratefully. The directors of CERMEL informed the committee members of planned COVID research projects and reaffirmed their commitment to continue with activity in the fight against the pandemic.